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MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting

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The delivery time is very timely. Compared with other products I bought from Chinese sellers, you are a manufacturer that can really deliver and ship in accordance with the terms of the contract.

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Not bad, the quality is good, and the speed is fast!

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The goods are received. Yours are very close to the products I imported from Germany, but the prices are much lower.

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Our customers are very demanding and picky about quality, but after seeing your products, they hardly believe that they were imported from China, which is amazing.

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This is my first time importing products from China. Before that, I dared not try them easily, but I was very satisfied after receiving your goods.

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MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting

MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting
MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting

Large Image :  MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting

Product Details:
Place of Origin: CHINA
Brand Name: ZHEHENG
Certification: PED .TUV. ISO
Model Number: 1inch
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Minimum Order Quantity: 10
Price: 2.65USD/PCS--355/PCS
Packaging Details: Standard export seaworthy package or as required.
Delivery Time: 15-30days
Payment Terms: L/C, T/T
Detailed Product Description
Technics: Forged Shape: Equal
Size: Customized Size Connection: Scoket Welding
Application: Hydraulic Pipe Fittings Usage: Joining Pipe Lines

MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting


SCH160 Socket Pipe Fitting


MSS SP 83 socket weld fittings

Stainless steel socket welding cross four-way high pressure pipe fittings 304 316L

Stainless steel socket cross are divided into equal diameters and different diameters. The ends of the equal diameter spools have the same size; the main diameters of the reduced diameter spools are the same, and the size of the branch pipe is smaller than the size of the main pipe. Stainless steel cross is a kind of pipe fitting used at the branch of pipeline. For the use of seamless tubes to manufacture four-way, currently commonly used processes are hydraulic expansion and hot press forming. A. Hydraulic bulging Four-way hydraulic bulging is a forming process that expands the branch pipe through the axial compensation of the metal material. The process is to use a special hydraulic machine to inject liquid into the tube blank equal to the diameter of the four-way, and squeeze the tube blank through the centering movement of the two horizontal side cylinders of the hydraulic machine. As the volume of the tube blank becomes smaller, the pressure rises. When the pressure required for the expansion of the four-way branch tube is reached, the metal material flows along the cavity of the mold under the double action of the liquid pressure in the side cylinder and the tube tube to expand the branch tube. The hydraulic bulging process of the four-way can be formed at one time, and the production efficiency is higher; the wall thickness of the main pipe and shoulder of the four-way is increased. Because of the large tonnage of the equipment required for the hydraulic bulging process of the seamless four-way, it is currently mainly used in the manufacture of standard wall thickness four-way less than DN400 in China. The applicable forming materials are low carbon steel, low alloy steel and stainless steel with relatively low cold work hardening tendency, including some non-ferrous metal materials such as copper, aluminum and titanium. b. Hot press forming Four-way hot press forming is to flatten the tube blank larger than the diameter of the four-way tube to the size of the four-way diameter, and to make a hole in the stretched branch pipe; the tube blank is heated and put into the forming die , And put the drawing die of the drawing branch pipe into the tube blank; under the action of pressure, the tube blank is compressed radially. During the process of radial compression, the metal flows toward the branch tube and forms the branch tube under the drawing of the die. The whole process is formed by the radial compression of the tube blank and the stretching process of the branch pipe. Different from the hydraulic bulge spool, the metal of the hot-press spool branch is compensated by the radial movement of the tube blank, so it is also called the radial compensation process.

Name cross (four way)
Manufacturing standards ASME B16.11,MSS SP 83
Material 304 316 stainless steel carbon steel
Wall Thickness Grade SCH80,SCH40,SCH160
Practical media Oil, water, gas and other non-decaying or decaying media
Working pressure ≤320kgf/cm2
Working temperature Depending on the use of media and practical gaskets,t≤670℃
Manufacturing Material 304 ,316L, 321 ,
Piping requirements dia6-dia50 Seamless Steel Pipe with Ordinary Grade Accuracy
Scope of application Metallurgical, mining, heavy machinery and corrosive liquids and pipelines with emulsified liquids as media

MSS SP 83 Socket Pipe Fitting 0

Contact Details

Contact Person: Mr. Bain

Tel: 0086 15858820108

Fax: 86-577-86655371

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