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Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting

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Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting

Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting
Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting

Large Image :  Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting

Product Details:
Place of Origin: CHINA
Brand Name: ZHEHENG
Certification: PED .TUV. ISO
Model Number: 1/2inch
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Minimum Order Quantity: 10
Price: 2.65USD/PCS--355/PCS
Packaging Details: Standard export seaworthy package or as required.
Delivery Time: 15-30days
Payment Terms: L/C, T/T
Detailed Product Description
Technics: Forged Standard: ASTM A182
Material: S32205 .s31254,s32205 Material: Duplex Steel
Products Name: Union Pressure: 3000LB,6000lb

forged s32205 Socket Pipe Fitting


ASTM A182 Socket Pipe Fitting


s32205 ss socket weld fittings

S31803 S32205 S32750 A182 Duplex steel socket union high pressure 3000/6000LB forged fittings

ZHEHENG STEEL Main produce and supply F51/S31803/F53/S32750/F55/S32760/F60/S32205/F44/S31254 socket high pressure fittings ,butt welding fittings, according to ASTM, JIS ,DIN ,EN standard .

Production Range:

Austenitic Steel: TP304,TP304L,TP304H,TP304N, TP310S,TP316,TP316L,TP316Ti,TP316H,
TP317,TP317L, TP321, TP321H,TP347, TP347H,904L…
Duplex Steel : S32101,S32205,S31803,S32304,S32750, S32760
Others:TP405,TP409, TP410, TP430, TP439 ...
  08Х17Т,08Х13,12Х13,12Х17,15Х25Т,04Х18Н10,08Х20Н14С2, 08Х18Н12Б,
10Х17Н13М2Т,10Х23Н18,08Х18Н10,08Х18Н10Т, 08Х18Н12Т,08Х17Н15М3Т,
12Х18Н10Т,12Х18Н12Т,12Х18Н9, 17Х18Н9, 08Х22Н6Т,
European Standard 1.4301,1.4307,1.4948,1.4541,1.4878,1.4550,1.4401,1.4404,1.4571,
1.4438,1.4841,1.4845,1.4539,1.4162, 1.4462, 1.4362, 1.4410, 1.4501

Precautions for installation of stainless steel union:
The stainless steel union joint consists of a male port, a female port, and a sleeve female. The male port has a spigot at one end to match the female mouth of the female port; the other end has an inner wire, which is connected to the outer wire of the stainless steel tube as a short wire. The inner hole of the sleeve mother has an inner wire, and the inner wire is connected with the outer wire on the mother mouth. The sleeve female is set at one end of the male port, and the inner wire of the sleeve female is directed to the female port. Before the sleeve is locked, the male and female ports must be aligned correctly, and the contact surface is flat, otherwise it is easy to leak. When replacing the union, it should generally be replaced by a full set. Otherwise, due to the inconsistency of the product, the male and female ports are not tightly coordinated, which is likely to cause leakage. When connecting, add a pad to the male port. Steam and hot water pipes are added with cotton rubber pads, and water pipes or low temperature plumbing pipes can be added with rubber pads.

The connection of the union is directional. It should be noted that the direction of water flow is from the male to the female port of the union. It is more convenient to remove the union joint. Loosen the sleeve and the two sections of pipe can be removed, so it is an ideal removable movable connection.
Lock nut connection This is another form of stainless steel pipe connection. One end of the lock nut has an internal wire and the other end has a small hole corresponding to the outer diameter of the stainless steel pipe. Most of the connection of the lock nut is through the straight or curved lock nut connection of the stainless steel tube. First, let the side with the small hole pass through the small tube, and then insert the stainless steel tube into the fitting to be connected. For packing, use a wrench to lock the lock nut to the connecting piece.

Forged ASTM A182 6000LB S32205 Socket Pipe Fitting 0

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